
Russian fisherman reels in bizarre ‘Alien-Like’ fish

NOAA’s coronagraph captures the New Moon like never before

Watch bizarre sky phenomenon: A result of geoengineering?

Shape-shifting beings in the depths of Lake Vostok, Antarctica

The legend of the mysterious 13 crystal skulls

Strange plasma-like UFO caught by Oklahoma City resident

The man who slipped through a crack between parallel universes

White House reveals truth about mystery drones but questions remain

Something strange spotted in the sky over Michigan and Ohio

CCTV captured mysterious booms in Utah and California

Strange flashing street lights spotted in the US, Canada, UK - What's going on?

The looming quantum apocalypse: What you need to know!

Fort Lauderdale flight crew captures color-shifting Orb at high altitude

Live broadcast caught UFO moving through California wildfires

Drones/Alien tech: How 2025 will transform the public awareness about extraterrestrial matters

Airline passenger captures two figures appearing to stand on a cloud layer

Omen or coincidence? Lightning strikes Washington and New York City landmarks on New Year's Eve

Donut-shaped spheres disrupt NASA's Stereo Lasco C3 satellite near the sun

Very large drones-UFOs appearing soon across the U.S.

Mystery Drones: A 'dry run' to a false UFO event to trigger COG emergency powers